Published Plays
Emma is a quiet, unobtrusive high school student who also happens to be queer. Her high school history class is turned upside down by a visit from her 'Fairy Queen Godmother,' Kinsey Scale and his Gaggle of Historical Gays.
Written in collaboration with a group of LGBTQIA homeless youth from Green Chimneys NYC Division, Queering History explores how high school might be different if LGBT history was taught by the people who were, and are, a part of it.

Sometime in the future, in an unspecified location, is an organization built to 'bear witness' to the coming out experiences of LGBTQIA people. Having finally decided to reveal their presence to the world, the company and the people who run it attempt to explain the struggles and importance of their existence to a somewhat skeptical PR representative, assigned to manage their public image as they 'come out' to society.
Not Just Another Coming Out Story is a humorous journey into the lifelong process of coming out as LGBTQIA. Written in collaboration with young people from Green Chimneys, a center for LGBTQIA Homeless youth.